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Non-Magnetic probe card & socket kits

Non-magnetic probe cards require non-magnetic terminals and designed with non-magnetic materials. Our non-magnetic probe cards are the industry-leading probe card and we provide the prove card using non-magnetic contact probes for sensor device test applications.

Non-Magnetic probe card & socket kitsNon-Magnetic probe card & socket kits

B-H curve is shown as above figures and lower figure shows B-H curve of our non-magnetic probe.

We also provide the option to change the probe card to an IC test socket and supporting chip size of 1mm square or less. Our complete line of services covers not only the probe card but also supplying relay boards and wiring services.
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Head Office

10F, Techno-Port Taiju Seimei Building, 2-16-2 Minamikamata Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 144-0035 (MAP)

TEL 81-3-3734-1212Telephone reception service:

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